Seeing Double: Two Polls Confirm Americans Believe Democratic Governors Are Doing A Better Job Than GOP Governors

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Navigator Research and The Washington Post Find Dem Govs Have Higher Approvals Than Republican Govs

Today, both Navigator Research and the Washington Post released polls showing Americans approve of Democratic governors’ handling of the coronavirus at higher levels than the Republican governors who are lifting restrictions based on political expediency instead of public health expertise.
Navigator Research found voters’ approval of Democratic governors’ handling of the coronavirus pandemic is 12% higher than Republican governors. The Washington Post found similar results – Republicans who have embraced hastily reopening their states received ratings of 60% or less (the average for all governors was 71%).
Democratic governors across the country took early action to protect their constituents from the coronavirus and its economic impacts. On the other hand, the public clearly understands Republican governors who endangered lives by refusing to shut down states left them vulnerable and they are not happy with their leadership.
“Democratic governors are stepping up to protect Americans during this crisis and showing the country what leadership looks like,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “Democratic governors are making tough, fact-based decisions and expanding protections for their constituents while Republican governors are standing their ground on stripping health care from millions of Americans and refusing to protect essential workers. Americans clearly prefer the strong, empathetic leadership of Democratic governors.”