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Scott Walker Recommits to Pre-Existing Conditions Lawsuit

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Walker Calls Lawsuit to End Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions “The Right Thing”

This morning, Scott Walker was asked on a Wisconsin radio show if it was wrong for him to authorize the state’s lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act and its protections for people with pre-existing conditions. He responded by recommitting to the suit and saying “never retreat.” He even said that his lawsuit is “doing the right thing.”
This comes after Tony Evers has repeatedly challenged Governor Walker to drop his lawsuit—something he has flatly refused to do.
It’s clear that Walker’s commitment to gutting the Affordable Care Act’s patient protections is out of step with what Wisconsin voters want. One recent poll found that health care is the number one issue in Wisconsin’s gubernatorial race, while another showed that 78% of Wisconsin voters say covering pre-existing conditions is “very important.”