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Schuette Turns Nassar Investigation Into Media Stunt

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Yesterday, interim Michigan State President and former three-term Republican Governor John Engler harshly chastised gubernatorial candidate and Attorney General Bill Schuette for creating a publicity stunt instead of moving forward with a previously scheduled meeting. The report states: 

MSU attorneys had been “in regular contact” with Schuette’s office, Engler wrote to Forsyth, and had a meeting scheduled for Friday morning. Forsyth’s team “abruptly cancelled” that meeting on Wednesday afternoon, Engler said.

The letter objected to Schuette or his office leaking information to reporters while collecting a flash drive with information interim-President Engler previously agreed to provide to investigators. Engler goes on to say this type of behavior could potentially taint the investigation’s impartiality, writing:

“Leaks need to be prevented so that the final results are accepted as the product of a serious investigation. Your credibility depends on that, as does the MSU community’s need for a report that is viewed as objective and complete. We owe this to the survivors.

At the same time as these tensions flared, Governor Engler asked to be removed from Schuette’s endorsement list.

Read the full report here: Lansing State Journal: Engler slams Schuette for ‘indiscreet behavior’ that led media to Michigan State search