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Say What?!? Chris Sununu Calls Bipartisan Paid Family Leave “Terrible Idea”

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After previously calling paid family and medical leave a “vacation,” New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu put his foot in his mouth yet again yesterday when he referred to a bipartisan family leave plan as a “terrible idea.” Sununu had campaigned on the issue of paid family leave in his 2016 race, but he has failed to deliver on his pledge.

Meanwhile, Democrat Molly Kelly has made the issue a centerpiece of her campaign. She focused her first ad of the general election campaign on the subject and has held several events to highlight her plans.

The Concord Monitor reported on Kelly’s paid family and medical leave event yesterday:

Race for governor: Sununu, Kelly like apples and oranges

Andy Mack, the patriarch of what’s believed to be New Hampshire’s oldest family-run apple farm, is no fan of Gov. Chris Sununu.

“I’d throw the bum out,” Mack said of the state’s Republican governor, as he spoke with Democratic gubernatorial nominee Molly Kelly on Wednesday.

Sununu’s challenger in November’s election met with Mack and employees of the eight generation family-owned business in Londonderry, to spotlight the deep differences between her and the governor over a high profile paid family and medical leave bill. …

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