ROUNDUP: Gregg’s Lt. Gov Pick Lauded as ‘Impressive Choice’

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ROUNDUP: Gregg’s Lt. Gov Pick Lauded as ‘Impressive Choice’

Terre Haute Tribune-Star: ‘Hale’s selection a bright spot in today’s hyperpartisan world’

The reviews are in on Indiana gubernatorial candidate John Gregg’s pick of state Rep. Christina Hale as his running mate last week.  

Editorials, columnists and political analysts from across Indiana have called Hale a “smart choice” with a “reputation for bipartisanship.” Hale is known for her “moderate image” and for being “a staunch advocate for women and girls.”

Reviews from the last week are below:

Indianapolis Business Journal: In Hale, Gregg gains ‘full partner’ with a bipartisan streak

“John Gregg’s gubernatorial campaign gained a staunch advocate for women and girls—and perhaps attracted more moderate business support—when State Rep. Christina Hale joined his ticket Wednesday morning.” [5/25/16]

South Bend Tribune columnist Jack Colwell: Will governor’s race be fought on the record? 

 “In picking Hale, a state representative from Indianapolis with a reputation of bipartisanship, Gregg stressed a moderate image for the ticket. … Also, in picking a woman, Gregg, needing to continue to do well with women voters, drew a contrast with the removal of a female lieutenant governor from the Republican ticket.” [5/29/16]

Terre Haute Tribune Star: Editorial: Hale’s selection a bright spot in today’s hyperpartisan world

“Politics in the age of ideological divisions as deep and bitter as they are today makes it difficult to see bright spots anywhere in the field of public policymaking.

“But there are bright spots, and John Gregg, the Democratic candidate for governor, picked one as his running mate for lieutenant governor for the 2016 campaign.”

“’She is known as one who reaches across the aisle to get things done,’ said Gregg, pointing out that Hale has been endorsed in her legislative races by both the Indiana AFL-CIO and the Indiana Chamber of Commerce, organizations that don’t often see eye to eye on anything.” [5/31/16]

University of Evansville political scientist Robert Dion:

“Hale is a smart choice, said Robert Dion, a political scientist at the University of Evansville.

‘Typically, you look for some kind of balance, and this pick clearly offers that to the Gregg campaign,’ he said. 

“’She’s young, she’s a woman, she’s from the big city, and she’s a progressive Democrat with Latina heritage. All of these attributes help to widen the appeal of the Democratic ticket.’” [5/25/16]

Times of Northwest Indiana: Editorial: Hale brings quality choice to 2016 governor’s race

But beyond her native ties to Northwest Indiana, Indiana House Rep. Christina Hale, the lieutenant governor candidate running with Democratic governor candidate John Gregg, makes for an impressive choice because of her legislative record.” [5/27/16]

 Associated Press: John Gregg names legislator as running mate in governor’s race

 “Hale talked about becoming a single parent at 19 and overcoming views of friends and acquaintances that her life was over.

‘I believed them for about two seconds and then I thought, ‘no,” she said. ‘Not only did I gain a wonderful son who is my heart, I also gained a reason to get up and fight for solutions for people right here in Indiana and for myself and my son.’” [5/26/16]

 Indianapolis Times columnist Tim Swarens: With Hale, John Gregg makes a smart choice 

“It was telling that the state Republican Party, not noted for withholding unfriendly fire, issued a benign press release noting Hale’s place on the ticket.”

“A spokesman for Mike Pence said the governor ‘has a lot of respect’ for Hale and noted that the two of them had worked together on five pieces of legislation this year.” [5/26/16]

CNHI News Service columnist Maureen Hayden: Gregg taps ‘relatable’ Hale as running mate

“But Hale appears to bring more to the ticket than gender. At 44, the two-term legislator from Indianapolis represents a ‘new school’ Democrat. She’s young, urban, progressive and a Cuban-American.”  [5/30/16]

Indianapolis Star columnist Tony Cook: Can Hale help Gregg with female voters?

“She is also likely to help Gregg exploit one of Pence’s potential weaknesses: his lack of support among younger female voters.” [5/25/16]
