Robin Vos, Worried About Kleefisch’s Chances in Tough Primary, Tells Kevin Nicholson to Sit Down

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Vos: “If Kevin Nicholson is Listening — You Need to Not Run for Governor”

Yesterday, Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos got involved in ongoing infighting by demanding that Kevin Nicholson not run against Rebecca Kleefisch in the GOP primary for governor.

“If Kevin Nicholson is listening — you need to not run for governor,” Vos said. “​​I think if he runs, it hurts our chances to defeat Gov. Evers.”

Nicholson quickly fired back, tweeting, “Thanks, @repvos, for the political advice … How about you focus on doing your job?”

This head-butting comes just two days after Nicholson slammed the Republican “political class.” Kleefisch has been an early favorite of GOP insiders, including Vos, but concerns are clearly high that she might not make it out of a competitive primary.

Even with Nicholson not officially in the race, he and Kleefisch have been going at it for months. When Kleefisch suggested she wants to use voting rights protections to win the election, then strip them away, Nicholson called her proposal “as dumb as a bag of hammers.”

“The GOP is too busy fighting each other to put forth any candidate that Wisconsinites can actually get behind,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Party insiders are clearly worried a competitive primary could destroy Kleefisch and drag whatever nominee that makes it through too far to the right to survive the general. The divisive Wisconsin GOP primary is just getting started, and it looks like none of the Republican hopefuls will emerge unscathed.”
