Richard Irvin Says “Let’s Talk About Records” While Ducking and Dodging Questions About His Own Record
In his first scheduled press conference since the start of his campaign, Illinois GOP gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin had no problem slamming his opponents’ records — but dodged questions left and right about his own.
“Campaigns are about records,” Irvin said. But when asked about his own history of voting Democrat, he punted. When asked whether he voted for Trump in 2020, he completely dodged, saying: “voters know my record.” But they don’t — because Irvin refuses to talk about it.
This pattern of ducking and dodging isn’t new. Irvin announced his campaign in a video, not a press conference. He rarely gives interviews, avoids TV debates, and hadn’t met with reporters in a single scheduled press conference until this one, nearly four months into his campaign.
And last week, when candidates on both sides of the aisle jumped to respond to a leaked draft SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v. Wade, what did Richard Irvin have to say? Not a word.
“Richard Irvin might finally have faced the press, but he sure didn’t answer any question,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Instead, at the only press conference of his campaign, Irvin continued his pattern of ducking and dodging questions about his own record. Irvin clearly thinks hiding from his opponents, the media, and voters is a winning strategy — but Illinoisians know it’s time for Irvin to face the music and come clean.”