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RGA Co-Chair Pete Ricketts is Too Extreme on Abortion for CT, But Stefanowski Can’t Run From His Radical Record Either

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After Committing to Fundraising Event with Bob Stefanowski, RGA Co-Chair Pete Ricketts Pulls Down Visit to Connecticut 

After RGA co-chair Pete Ricketts initially committed to hosting a private fundraiser in Connecticut with GOP candidate for governor Bob Stefanowski, the fundraiser was quickly pulled down with no plans to reschedule.

Ricketts, who supports banning abortion “in all cases, including rape and incest,” is too toxic for Connecticut — but he’s par for the course when it comes to Stefanowski’s extreme agenda. Stefanowski supported Trump and Trump-nominated justices who are now on the verge of overturning Roe and he’s promised the NRA he would repeal the state’s post-Sandy Hook gun control law.

Ricketts isn’t the only toxic member of the far-right propping up Stefanowski’s campaign. Sean Fieler, a well-known anti-choice, anti-gay marriage, extremist has promised to pour over $1 million into hateful, divisive rhetoric to support Stefanowski. Stefanowski gladly accepted his support and refused to condemn his extremism.

“Bob Stefanowski can try to hide the fact he’s being propped up by extremists, but he’s shown plenty of times whose side he’s on,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “Stefanowski’s far-right fanatics are pledging their support because they know they can count on him to enact their far-right agenda, whether it be restricting access to abortion or promising the NRA to repeal the state’s post-Sandy Hook gun safety laws. The fact is, Bob Stefefanowski is too extreme for Connecticut.”