RGA Chair Dumps Trump: Why Won’t Sununu?

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RGA Chair Dumps Trump: Why Won’t Sununu? 

Sununu’s #1 Backer Renounces Trump, But Sununu Stands By His Endorsement

Today, the Chair of the Republican Governors Association (RGA) announced that she will vote against Donald Trump, joining a parade of national Republicans in renouncing the presidential nominee.

But New Hampshire GOP gubernatorial nominee Chris Sununu continues to stand by his endorsement of Trump.

New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, the Chair of the RGA, called Trump’s comments on women “completely unacceptable” and announced she “will not support him now.” The RGA has been the top funder of advertisements supporting Sununu’s candidacy.

Sununu has repeatedly endorsed Trump – and even stood with him on stage last week.

“Chris Sununu’s top supporter just dumped Donald Trump,” said Democratic Governors Association Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Why is Sununu standing by Donald Trump, when even the Republican Governors Association Chair has dropped Trump?  It’s time for Chris Sununu to put New Hampshire families first and join the bipartisan coalition opposed to Donald Trump’s campaign.”
