RGA and Schuette Scuffle Over His Struggling Campaign in Michigan

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Desperate Bill Schuette Tried to Show Campaign Stability by Personally Calling a Local News Outlet to Deny Infighting with RGA

A nasty scuffle between the Republican Governors Association and Bill Schuette over his struggling campaign played out in the Michigan media this week — even prompting a panicked Schuette to take a page straight from the Trump playbook and personally call MIRS News in Lansing yesterday to deny any infighting:
“GOP gubernatorial nominee Attorney General Bill Schuette in a personal phone call to MIRS has in no uncertain terms declared speculation about an impending shake up at the top of his campaign as ‘absolutely false.’  ‘The story should have never been written,’ he asserts.”
The GOP family feud comes as Schuette is running from his disastrous healthcare record, trailing in news polls, and doing damage control after reports revealed the RGA is shifting millions in TV reservation to send the message: “Fix the campaign or we are done.”
“The RGA has good reason to be worried about Bill Schuette’s disastrous campaign, but the problem is not the staffers running it,” said Democratic Governors Association Deputy Communications Director David Turner. “The RGA can try to blame the campaign and its staff, but their bigger problem is that Bill Schuette’s an empty career politician who wants to rip away healthcare from Michiganders and remove protections for pre-existing conditions. No shake up is going to fix that.”  
Here’s How the Michigan Media is Covering Schuette’s Scuffle with the RGA:
WLNS TV in Lansing: “The Republican Governors Association is reportedly putting pressure on governor candidate Bill Schuette to shake up his campaign team at the highest levels… The Republican Governors Association raised some eyebrows recently when, out of nowhere, it yanked about $2 million away from the Bill Schuette campaign for governor.”
MIRS News in Lansing: “Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam’s team is reportedly very concerned about the composition of the Schuette campaign. One GOP source told MIRS the movement of RGA money recently had a clear message attached to it: `Fix the campaign or we are done.’”
9 & 10 News in Northern Michigan: “Recent polls are showing Bill Schuette trailing Gretchen Whitmer in the race for the Governor’s office and that is forcing a shift in strategy.”
Ed Sarpolus, Founder of Target-Insyght: “They’re struggling so they are prioritizing their dollars.”