RGA Ad Backfire: SC Edition

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The backfire continues against the RGA’s disgraceful ad against Vincent Sheheen.
This time criticism is coming from RGA Chair Chris Christie’s own lawyer, who called the ad a “disgrace.”  Others have called the ad “despicable” and the most “negative” political ad ever.
Even South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, in 2010, condemned attacks on defense attorneys, saying the justice system “requires the unpopular to have an advocate and every time a defense lawyer fights to make the government do their job, that defense lawyer has made us all safer.”
Here’s a sample of coverage:
The Washington Post’s Legal Blog:  “The RGA’s despicable ad in South Carolina”
The Huffington Post: “Chris Christie Campaign Lawyer Calls Republican Governors Association Attack Ad ‘A Disgrace’”
Associated Press: “South Carolina Bar fights back against Republican Governors Association ad attacking Vincent Sheheen”
The State: “Rachel Maddow takes RGA to task for Vincent Sheheen lawyer ad”
Political Wire: “Most Negative Political Ad Ever?”
Robert D. Luskin, lawyer for Governor Christie:“‘I did watch the ad and, wow, it’s a disgrace’ […] ‘The people who talk incessantly about American exceptionalism ought to demonstrate some understanding — and some respect — for what makes our system truly admirable: that includes the willingness of lawyers to stand up for their clients no matter how ugly the allegation. But a lawyer is only, ever an advocate; he’s not a co conspirator or an enabler.’”
The Huffington Post: “New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is a lawyer, and these days, with his administration and reelection campaign facing multiple investigations, he needs a lot of help from lawyers. So it was a bit surprising this week when the Republican Governors Association, which Christie chairs, launched an ad attacking a Democratic gubernatorial candidate because he ‘made money off criminals’ by representing defendants in the justice system.”
The State: “Maddow and a guest, a former acting U.S. solicitor general, discussed how the U.S. legal system allows the accused to have the best defense and how lawyers are separate from the clients they represent. The ad’s message runs counter to the constitutional right of due process, they added.”
Associated Press: “An ad attacking Democratic Sen. Vincent Sheheen’s work as a defense attorney has prompted the South Carolina Bar Association to fight back against what it calls an unfair smear of the legal profession that should have no place in the governor’s race.”
The Washington Post’s Legal Blog:  “Representing unpopular causes or clients is never easy, but it is necessary.  Organized efforts to blunt the careers of those who take on such efforts are shameful.”
