Reynolds’ Cronyism Enabled Alleged Sexual Harassment

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The report of the independent investigation into sexual harassment at the Iowa Finance Authority carries a strong whiff of cronyism”

Yesterday, a new column from the Des Moines Register’s opinion editor highlighted the consequences of the cronyism swirling around the “ethically challenged” Kim Reynolds administration. Kathie Obradovich wrote, “The report of the independent investigation into sexual harassment at the Iowa Finance Authority carries a strong whiff of cronyism.”
Earlier this year, Reynolds’ good friend Dave Jamison was fired after two female employees reported detailed allegations of sexual harassment over several years. An independent report commissioned by the Iowa Finance Authority to investigate Jamison’s alleged pattern of sexual harassment in the agency revealed that Jamison used his close relationship with Governor Reynolds to shield himself from sexual harassment claims. Jamison “regularly touted his relationship with Governor Reynolds to other employees at IFA.”
For more on Reynolds’ mishandling of alleged sexual harassment and the Jamison situation, please see HERE
And the Jamison situation is not the first time Reynolds has come under fire for cronyism within her Administration. This past spring, she engaged in “brash nepotism” by appointing her father to a state panel.
Read more from the Des Moines Register below about the stench of cronyism in the Reynolds Administration and how it enabled allegations of sexual misconduct: Cronyism enables misconduct, sexual harassment in government