Republicans are Right about Bruce Rauner

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Republicans, Democrats, And Independents are Aligned on Rauner’s Failed Leadership

Republicans have responded to Governor Bruce Rauner’s signing of HB40 with a string of negative releases. Interestingly, some Republicans have aired grievances outside of the current debate. Democrats, Independents, and now Republicans agree that Bruce Rauner has failed as Governor.
Below is a sampling of what Republicans have been saying about Bruce Rauner:
Rep. David McSweeney: “Bruce Rauner is a failed governor… He failed Illinois taxpayers. He is a failed governor.”

  • Backstory: According to a DGA poll, 63% of Illinois voters disapprove with Governor Rauner’s job performance. They agree he has “failed.”

Rep. David McSweeney: “He led the effort for a tax hike and now says he’s comfortable with the level of income taxes.”

  • Backstory: In his Capitol Compromise and initial budget, Bruce Rauner proposed raise revenues comparable to what was eventually passed in July.

Rep. Dan McConchie: “His flip-flopping on this issue raises serious questions on whether the Governor’s word can be trusted on other matters.”

  • Backstory: No voter should trust Bruce Rauner to look out for them. In 2014, Rauner praised the DREAM Act, but now dodges questions on President Trump’s decision to end DACA. Rauner has continually failed to stand up to President Trump actions despite their potential impact on Illinois.  Rauner looks out for himself, not the people of Illinois.

Rep. Peter Breen: “I’ve seen him rapidly hire and terminate numerous staff members, highly competent professionals who were proven successful in their prior roles. Inexplicably, they appeared incompetent while working for Rauner.”

  • Backstory: Rep. Breen is of course referring to the two staff purges Rauner executed this year. Rauner brought in staff members from the conservative Illinois Policy Institute to terrible results.

Rep. Peter Breen: “I personally observed him badly botch negotiations with the General Assembly on a variety of subjects…”

  • Backstory: Rauner has waged high-profile fights on the budget and SB1, the state’s funding formula. Because of his failure to compromise, Rauner failed to get much of anything out of those fights.

Rep. Peter Breen: “In the face of overwhelming evidence of Rauner’s inability to competently administer the Illinois government….”

  • Backstory: Governor Rauner pushed the state into a two-year budget impasse that led to skyrocketing debt, lost jobs, and access to social services slashed for 1 million people. Chicago Crain’s wrote a year ago – “By nearly every measure, the state is worse off since Rauner took office.”

Rep. Peter Breen: “….I can no longer support him. And whether or not they are able to agree publicly, I know hundreds of elected Republicans, along with hundreds of thousands of Republican voters, who feel the same way I do.”

  • Backstory: Democrats and Independents feel the same way.
