Republican Governors Practice Trump Two-Step at RGA Meeting in Austin

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Fresh off a pair of embarrassing losses, the Republican Governors Association gathers this week in Austin TX to lick their wounds and practice the Trump Two-Step in preparation for 2018. 

2017 Republican Gubernatorial Candidates Ed Gillespie and Kim Guadagno ran Trump-like campaigns and saw that strategy backfire spectacularly, so their 2018 candidates must now practice their do-si-dos around the President to try to avoid a similar fate.

“The Trump Two-Step is the latest twist on a Texas dance classic: you take two giant steps to the right to appeal to the extreme Trump base, then lean your head slightly toward the center to feign independence,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “But it won’t work—like Ed Gillespie and Kim Guadagno, they’ll end up falling flat on their faces. While Republican gubernatorial candidates gather in Austin to practice the Trump Two-Step, energized Democrats are stepping up to build on last week’s wins and reclaim state houses across the country.”