REPORT: Corrupt Joe Lombardo Violated Nevada Ethics Rules

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New reporting from the American Independent slams Joe Lombardo for violating a Nevada statute on ethics by using his government email account for personal political gain.

After a Nevada judge ruled that Lombardo must release several emails with his political consultants, it was revealed that Lombardo had directed staff at the Las Vegas Metro Police Department to conduct research used by the campaign.

“Taxpayer money is not supposed to be used for political interest in general,” said Kedric Payne of the Campaign Legal Center. “Voters have a right to know that their taxpayer dollars are not being spent on campaign activity.”

Payne told the American Independent that Lombardo’s actions directly violated Clark County Personnel Policy and Ethical Standards. A lawyer involved in the case described it as “absolutely a violation of the ethics code.”

Lombardo has also faced an ethics complaint for using his uniform in campaign ads, another ethics complaint for donating a Metro helicopter ride to an anti-abortion group’s fundraiser, and calls to resign as sheriff after he conspired to shut down the Las Vegas Sun.

“Joe Lombardo has repeatedly used his government office and taxpayer dollars for his own political benefit, breaking Nevada ethic laws and violating Nevadans’ trust,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisory. “Lombardo continues to prove he’s a self-serving politician who will put himself over Nevadans at every opportunity.”
