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Reeves World Scrambling A Week Before The Republican Primary

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Rankin County ‘Kingmaker’: “‘Anybody but Tate.’ That saying’s starting to catch on.” 

New poll: Reeves short of avoiding runoff 

With just a week left until the Mississippi Republican gubernatorial primary Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves’ allies are panicking.
It’s been rocky for Reeves from the start but warning bells have now become full sirens. For the first time, Reeves openly floated the possibility he won’t win the nomination outright last week. What’s going on?
Despite spending millions of dollars on this race and being the lieutenant governor, Reeves failed to solidify support within his own party. He skipped the first GOP debate and couldn’t rally GOP state senators behind him.
Irl Dean Rhodes, a local GOP powerbroker, now says “this election is gonna be a lot closer than people think” and the saying ‘Anybody But Tate’ is “starting to catch on.”
This nightmare scenario for Reeves is confirmed in a new poll: he’s short of making the runoff and Waller is polling second. In the primary’s final moments, Reeves’ far right allies are sending out a desperate mailer to bail him out.
All signs ahead of next week’s primary election day point to all-out panic in Reeves world.
“Reeves entered this race with unbridled confidence and now finds himself stumbling toward the finish line,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “Reeves has had a tough time defending his position of leaving 313,000 Mississippians uninsured and pushing a $2 million frontage road to his neighborhood at taxpayer’s expense. Now the warning bells from Reeves’ world have turned into sirens because they know he’s in trouble.”