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RECAP: Another Bad Weekend For Mark Robinson As More Reports Detail Extremism and Threats to North Carolina’s Economy

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RECAP: Another Bad Weekend For Mark Robinson As More Reports Detail Extremism and Threats to North Carolina’s Economy

Two new articles from this weekend underscore how Mark Robinson’s embrace of dangerous conspiracy theories and extreme rhetoric are wrong for North Carolina.

New reporting from the Daily Mail uncovered new comments from Mark Robinson where he entertained the conspiracy theory that the U.S. government was behind the attack on Pearl Harbor and death of General George Patton. Robinson stated, “It really calls to question the motives and the suspicion around our entire introduction into the war…” and “How this guy ended up getting killed in a quote car wreck, I’ll never know.” 

 Additionally, a new column from Bloomberg highlighted the truth about Robinson’s “culture war message,” and the threat it poses to North Carolina’s economy after local media reported that Robinson had stated that Republicans“were right about HB2,” the extreme 2016 North Carolina law that “cost the state more than $3.76 billion over 12 years in lost business.”

As Bloomberg notes, “Robinson made no mention of how enormously costly HB2 was for the state. The backlash to the law was swift as companies killed plans to expand in North Carolina, major stars canceled concerts, and sports teams relocated tournaments. He made no mention of how the political fallout led to the downfall of Republican Governor Pat McCrory or that the Legislature was forced to partially repeal the law.”

This weekend’s coverage comes just days after Mark Robinson drew scrutiny for claiming abortion happens because women “weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down,” in line with his previous promise to pass a bill that says “you can’t have an abortion in North Carolina for any reason” — including for victims of rape and incest.

“Instead of listening to the North Carolinians who already rejected Republicans’ costly and divisive culture wars once before, Mark Robinson would go further,”said DGA National Press Secretary Devon Cruz. “Between Robinson’s extreme and uncompromising anti-choice agenda, his dangerous rhetoric targeting North Carolinians from all walks of life, and his love of fringe conspiracy theories, there’s a reason why voters, the business community, and leaders across the political spectrum are sounding the alarm about his extreme candidacy and toxic agenda.”
