Rebecca Kleefisch Doubles Down on Her Support for Banning Abortion With No Exceptions for Rape and Incest
Wisconsin GOP gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch, who once agreed women who are raped should “turn lemons into lemonade,” just again publicly came out in support of banning abortion with no exceptions for cases of rape or incest.
In an interview with Fox6 Wisconsin, Kleefisch went on the record to double down on her support for Wisconsin’s nearly two-centuries-old law banning abortion that would go into effect if the draft opinion by the Supreme Court stands and Roe is overturned. When asked explicitly if she supported exceptions to abortion bans in cases of rape or incest, Kleefisch answered “no.”
The rest of the Wisconsin GOP gubernatorial field has views on abortion just as dangerous and extreme as Kleefisch. The candidates celebrated the SCOTUS draft opinion overturning Roe; Kevin Nicholson responded by saying, “I pray this is true” and Tim Michels rejoiced, saying he had “long worked for and prayed for this moment.” Like Kleefisch, the rest of the GOP candidates all support a ban on abortion with no exceptions in cases of rape and incest.
“Rebecca Kleefisch and the rest of the GOP candidates’ extreme agenda on abortion would obliterate reproductive health care access for Wisconsinites, could throw doctors who perform abortions in jail, and force women to give birth even in cases of rape and incest,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Wisconsinites overwhelmingly support keeping abortion legal. The GOP field’s position on abortion is as out-of-touch as it is dangerous.”