Rauner’s New Ad Reminds Voters He’s Got “Zero” Done in Office

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Today, Governor Bruce Rauner launched a new ad that only served to remind voters of how little he’s accomplished in four years as Governor. The newest ad features Ron Wilson, who four years ago called out Rauner’s opponent for his negative ads and challenged him to “tell me what you got done. I see zero.”
Four years later, Rauner is using Wilson to attack his opponent instead of telling voters what he’s gotten done.
“Bruce Rauner has zero positive things to say about his failed record in office,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “If anything, Rauner’s failed leadership negatively affected Illinois families as his two-year budget crisis added billions of dollars of debt and slowed job creation in the state.” 


Illinois’s Bill Backlog Reached An All-Time High Of $16 Billion, Skyrocketing Up From $5 Billion During The Budget Crisis. “A new record hit an all-time high this week for the state’s finances. The bill backlog reached $16 billion; the largest it’s ever been. It fluctuated to $15 billion for a few reasons… Previously, the backlog was at $5 billion but has skyrocketed since the budget crisis. While there’s a bigger revenue stream with the increase in income tax coming in, it still hasn’t helped make that big of a dent.” [WCIA, 9/21/17]

  • Illinois Paid Over $1.14 Billion In Late Payment Fees On Bills Racked Up During The Budget Crisis, More Than It Had Accumulated In The Previous 18 Years Combined. “Illinois has racked up more in late-payment fees in less than three years than it did in the 18 years combined, according to a report The Associated Press obtained Monday, and some major creditors say they’ve waited more than a year to receive the interest they’re owed.  The report by state Comptroller Susana Mendoza found that the $16 billion in past-due debt that piled up during a two-year budget stalemate comes with a steep price. Since July 2015, Mendoza reported, prompt-payment penalties have totaled $1.14 billion, $100 million more than the total from 1998 up to then.” [Associated Press, 4/24/18]
  • Illinois Was Downgraded Eight Times By Credit Ratings Agencies Since Rauner Took Office. “Illinois has now been downgraded by major credit rating agencies eight times since Rauner took office in January 2015.” [Reuters, 6/1/17]

WCIA: “By Rauner’s Own Definition, That Rate Of Job Growth Is A Disaster.” “In three-and-a-half years under Governor Rauner, federal figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show the state grew just 208,000 jobs, which ranks near the bottom of job growth rates during a time when most of the country was gaining momentum after a post-recession recovery. During the same timeframe under Rauner’s predecessor, Democrat Pat Quinn, the state grew 238,000 jobs. By Rauner’s own definition, that rate of job growth is a disaster.” [WCIA, 8/19/18]

  • WILL Radio Headline: “Illinois Economy Lags Behind Nation” [WILL Radio Illinois, 11/1/17]
  • Wall Street Journal: “In 2014, The State’s Gross Domestic Product Was Growing Faster Than Any Other Bordering State. In 2016, Illinois Grew Slower Than All Bordering States Except For Iowa, With Which It Was Tied.” [Wall Street Journal, 6/27/17]

Illinois’ Decline In Population In 2017 Resulted In It Losing Its Spot As Fifth-Largest State To Pennsylvania. “Illinois declined in population again in 2017, losing its spot as the fifth-largest state in the nation to Pennsylvania, according to census data released Wednesday.  Illinois lost about 33,700 residents, dropping the total population to 12,802,023, the greatest numeric population loss of any state. Pennsylvania saw a slight increase, and with a total population of 12,805,537, has outranked Illinois for the first time in years, based on U.S. Census Bureau figures from July 1, 2016, to July 1, 2017.” [Chicago Tribune, 12/21/17]

  • Illinois’ Public Universities Continued To Feel “Sting” Of Two-Year Budget Stalemate With Drops In Fall 2017 Enrollment.“Barely removed from a two-year state budget stalemate, Illinois’ public universities are continuing to feel the sting. Enrollment at many of the state’s public universities dropped this year, particularly among new freshmen wrestling with where to commit for their college educations, data released this month show.” [Chicago Tribune, 9/12/17]