Rauner’s Latest Fail: Finding Grassroots Supporters

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Yesterday, Governor Bruce Rauner launched a new series called “Back Bruce” that profiles Rauner’s “strongest supporters” in a failed attempt to show his grassroots support. The only problem? So far, the only “supporters” Rauner’s campaign could find were Republican elected officials or candidates. One testimonial came from former house candidate Wendy Erhart, who received $50,000 from the largely Rauner-funded House Republican Organization.
“It’s not surprising Bruce Rauner cannot find any Illinois voters that want to vouch for him after forcing the state through a three year of budget crisis,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “While his grassroots support dries up, millions of Illinois residents hurt by Rauner’s failed policies are waiting to express their unhappiness with his leadership at the ballot box.”
