Rauner’s Bizarre Day – Purges, Untruths, and Conspiracies

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Rauner’s Failing Administration Begs the Comparison to Another

Yesterday was a little weird for Governor Bruce Rauner. Reeling from his office’s inability to respond to a cartoon published by a close political ally, Bruce Rauner announced he was clearing house for the second time in as many months. Gone were four communications staffers all brought on just over a month ago. Rumors were that more departures were on the way.
The day turned bizarre thereafter. In a conference call with his (temporarily) remaining staff, Bruce Rauner then warned his administration was surrounded by “enemies” like the media and former colleagues:

“‘The reality is in addition to the enemies on the other side of the aisle (Democrats), we have enemies in the media and enemies who should be on our side, some of them former members of the administration,’ the source recounted Rauner as saying.”

And then came the untruths. In the same conference call, Rauner rejected “rumors” that more staffers were headed for the exists, including his (new) chief of staff and general counsel. He did the same to reporters later:

REPORTER: “Are you keeping your chief of staff?”
RAUNER: “We announced some changes in the communications department, and that’s all the changes there are.”

By the afternoon, Rauner’s office issued a press release announcing his General Counsel was also leaving. Throughout the day, Rauner blamed his staff for the Illinois Policy Institute cartoon headache and declared the staffers who were leaving were “not a good fit.” At no time did Rauner take any responsibility himself for the fallout. And this morning did not start any better – The Quad City Times Editorial Board called Rauner’s administration “on the brink of collapse.”
Failing administration. Staff purges. Conspiratorial view of enemies. Blatant untruths. And a lack of personal responsibility. That could describe someone else’s week. Strange how they both have the same disapproval rate in Illinois.
“Governor Bruce Rauner’s operation is falling apart at the seams,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “At no point this week did Rauner show an ounce of the executive leadership he touted in 2014 or the moral leadership required to lead the state. Rauner’s accelerating staff purges and inability to take any responsibility is confirming voters’ impression of him as failed leader. Illinois families are worse-off under Bruce Rauner’s flailing administration.”
