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Rauner Still Won’t Cast Off Criminally Indicted Governor Greitens

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VIDEO: Rauner Will Not Even Say He Regrets Featuring Greitens in Campaign Ads

Governor Bruce Rauner still won’t cut Governor Eric Greitens loose. Earlier this week, Governor Greitens wasindicted on a Felony Invasion of Privacy charge by a City of St. Louis Grand Jury. The indictment stems from accusations that Greitens took a semi-nude photo of his mistress and threatened to release it if she went public with their affair. Greitens’ situation puts Rauner in a tough spot – he’s actively boosted Greitens by writing his campaign a $100,000 check and putting $1.3 million behind a campaign ad featuring the Missouri Governor.
As such, Rauner’s been reluctant to cast his friend off. He stopped airing the ads featuring Greitens, but made clear it was only for scheduling reasons. And the ad is still featured on his Twitter and Facebook.
Yesterday, he was asked if he regretted using Greitens so prominently (watch here):

Question: “Governor, do you regret using Eric Greitens in your campaign video?”
Rauner: “Well, those accusations against Governor Greitens are very serious, extremely serious. There is a legal process underway. I hope they get to the truth quickly and take appropriate action.
Question: “Do you regret using him in your video?”
Rauner: “Well, what’s come to light since then are very serious. And those allegations need to be investigated and prosecuted appropriately.”

Left unsaid – Rauner won’t call for him to step down.
“Bruce Rauner cannot keep throwing lifelines to Governor Eric Greitens,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Greitens was indicted by a grand jury on a felony charge for a very serious and troubling crime, but Rauner’s refused every opportunity to disavow him. It’s not enough for Rauner to simply acknowledge the serious nature of his ally’s situation – Rauner must call on Greitens to resign.”