Rauner Still MIA While GOP Congress Pushes Plan that Would Raise Middle-Class Taxes
New Analysis Finds 50% of Americans and 65% of Middle-Income Americans Face a Tax Hike
As the GOP attempt to overhaul taxes picks up steam, Governor Bruce Rauner is nowhere to be found. According to Illinois’ Senators, Rauner has refused to answer their letters asking for comment on how the GOP’s tax plan might impact the state. And last week, Rauner “climbed on a rhetorical fence” when asked by reporters about the plan. At no point has Rauner fought on behalf of Illinois taxpayers.
While Rauner stays silent, it’s become clear that the GOP’s tax plan would be terrible for Illinois taxpayers. A new non-partisan analysis out finds that:
- 50% of American households would see higher taxes, including 65% of middle-income Americans;
- The top 0.1% of Americans would see an average $220,000 tax cut;
- And $1.4 trillion is added to the deficit.
While at least one Republican governor has come out in opposition to the tax play, Rauner “continues to refuse to weigh in on matters before Congress with enormous bearing on Illinois.”
“Bruce Rauner is often missing-in-action when his leadership is needed and this time it’s only going to cost Illinois taxpayers,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Washington Republicans’ and President Trump’s plan would raise taxes on middle-class Illinoisans and Bruce Rauner is content to let it happen. Bruce Rauner is focused on his failing reelection campaign, and not on doing his job for the people of Illinois.”