Rauner Just Endorsed Higher Taxes for Illinois’ Middle-Class

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Rauner Said He Hopes Congress Passes GOP Tax Plan that would Raise Taxes on 60% of Middle-Class Americans

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, Governor Bruce Rauner is “applauding” Congressional Republicans’ efforts to pass a tax plan, which will raise middle-class taxes while cutting taxes for the wealthiest Americans. Rauner said, “I hope they come through” in an interview with Tom Miller on WJPF radio. The Sun-Times reported that “moments later” the Illinois Republican Party, largely funded by Rauner, took to Twitter to defend the plan.

Numerous independent analyses, including by the Congressional Budget Office, have found that the GOP bill would raise taxes on middle- and lower-class households in order to cut taxes for the wealthiest. The latest analysis of the Senate bill shows:

  • By 2027, a majority of Americans earning less than $75,000 would pay more in taxes;
  • By 2027, 60% of middle-class American earners would face a tax increase;
  • Nearly all of the top 0.1% of earners would receive an average $208,060 tax cut; 
  • Health care provisions in the bill would force up health care premiums on Illinois residents buying their own insurance.  By 2027, a 27-year old would pay $745 more in premiums, and a 60-year old $1,928 more.

Costs are going to go up for middle-class Illinoisans, and Rauner’s “applauding” the effort.

“Bruce Rauner’s hypocrisy knows no bounds,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “By siding with President Trump and Washington Republicans, Rauner has proven his campaign slogans to be nothing more than a farce. Rauner just endorsed a plan that will raise taxes on middle-class families all to support a tax break for the wealthiest Illinoisans. No wonder Rauner wanted to hide his real views for so long.”