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Rauner Forced to Cede Control of Party, Still Hasn’t Talked to Ives

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The nation’s most vulnerable incumbent was forced to partially cede control over his party’s operations this morning, as news broke Rauner’s hand-picked party chairman agreed to be a “co-chairman” to avoid a divisive party vote. Politico Illinois wrote Rauner’s bowing to reality shows “weakness” and would “never could have happened under Rauner two years ago.”
But Rauner still has not solved his biggest problem — winning back state Representative Jeanne Ives and the 48% of Republicans that supported her. Ives was skeptical of today’s news, warning that if this was the “typical surrender Republican Rauner play of buying people off with money and titles, that would not be good.” Her statement also showed she was not involved in the deal. She told CLTV last week they still have not spoken.
“Bruce Rauner is fighting for his political life and he only has himself blame,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Rauner still has to find a way to win back the 48% of Republicans that voted to throw him out two months ago, and the millions of Democrats and Independents that are tired of watching Illinois fall behind under his failed leadership.”