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Rauner Ends “Our Home, Our Fight” Tour by Refusing to Fight for Illinoisans Facing Tax Hikes

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U.S. House Passes Bill That Will Increase Taxes on 850,000 Illinois Households Making Less Than $171k – Rauner Willfully Silent

Governor Bruce Rauner started his first reelection tour on Monday promising to “fight” for Illinois, but by Thursday he refused to fight for middle-class Illinois families facing higher taxes. Today, Rauner was asked about the U.S. House’s passage of their tax reform bill that will increase taxes for 850,000 Illinois households making less than $171,000. Instead of fighting for these families, Rauner dodged and said he “shared a few thoughts” with federal leaders, whatever that means:

“Reporter: Governor, the House is voting on a tax bill today. I’m wondering what your thoughts are on eliminating the deduction for state taxes?”

“Governor Rauner: You’re talking about the federal tax reform. I’ll say a couple things. Federal tax reform is long overdue. We need to lower the tax burden at the federal level. We also need to lower the tax burden at the state level, and my focus is obviously here at the state level. I’m advocating rolling back the tax hike back down to 3% and also freezing our local property taxes as well as giving local voter referendum on that. I’m not going to weigh into the detail that’s being debated in Congress right now at the federal level. I’ve shared a few thoughts with federal officials but I’m not going to weigh in through the media on this. I think there’s a lot of wood to chop there. They’re a long way from a done deal on it. I think there’s gonna be a lot of changes still to come.”

Strangely, Governor Rauner comments that the bill is a long way from “done” yet will not say what he will do in the meantime. A great way to finish the “Our Home, Our Fight” tour.

“With Republicans threatening to increase middle-class taxes, today was a perfect opportunity to fight for Illinois families, but Governor Rauner took a pass instead,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “The voters of Illinois should not be surprised – the fact is Rauner will only fight for Illinois families when its politically convenient for him. Now, President Trump and Congressional Republicans are teaming up to increase taxes on middle-class families and Bruce Rauner is nowhere to be found.”