Rauner Embracing Trump’s Divisive Policies after Nearly Losing Primary

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Governor Bruce Rauner has a problem with his base, and he’s embracing Trumpian policies in a futile effort to win them back. Just a week after 48% of Republicans voted to oust him, Rauner said he supported President Donald Trump’s plan to ask about citizenship on the Census, a move seen as an attack on Illinois immigrant families.
Rauner has a long record of looking the other way when it comes to Trump’s divisive policies. He was notoriously silent while Republicans tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act, dodgedcalls for action when Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord, and has not done anything to protect the 42,000 Illinois DACArecipients in limbo right now. Now, Rauner’s openly embracing Trump’s policies as he seeks to mend divisions in his party.
“Last week, Bruce Rauner nearly lost the Republican primary. This week, Rauner is cozying up to Donald Trump and his divisive policies,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Rauner should be working to protect Illinois residents, but instead he’s attacking them in a cynical attempt to prop up his failing reelection campaign and win back far-right Ives voters.”