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Rauner Comes Out for Trump’s Tax Plan, Again

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Despite “Punishing” Effect Tax Plan Will Have on IL Families, Rauner “Lauded” It on State Website 

Governor Bruce Rauner spent the last two months quietly supporting President Trump’s tax plan and, on Friday, he jumped in with both feet. Rauner’s administration published a new blog that “lauded,” in the words of the Chicago Tribune, the new Republican tax plan. Studies show that the tax bill will eventually result in middle-class families paying more in taxes, home values suffering, and health care premiums rising.

Rauner’s support for the bill has been consistent, if murky. In November, Rauner said he was “applauding Congress. I hope they come through.” As debate progressed, Rauner admitted that the bill would be “punishing” for Illinois families, but never opposed the legislation like many of his fellow Republican governors.

And now, Rauner’s using his office to promote President Trump’s tax bill.

“Bruce Rauner went out of his way to praise Trump’s tax plan on the anniversary of President Trump’s Inauguration,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “By embracing a bill that he even admits will hurt the middle-class, Rauner clearly shows where his priorities lie and it’s not with Illinois families. Despite ample opportunity, Rauner failed to fight for Illinois’ middle-class facing higher costs under this tax plan. Rauner chose to throw in with Trump instead.”