Rauner Can’t Erase Record of Failing Women of Illinois

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Rauner Made Promises to Both Sides of Abortion Debate for Political Gain

Bruce Rauner’s political posturing today won’t change a fundamental fact: His administration has been a disaster for the women of Illinois. His two-year budget impasse led to women being denied service at domestic violence clinics and cut affordable child-care services. And 34 percent fewer women received free cancer screens due to the budget impasse.
And, just this month, Rauner refused to take a stand on Republican efforts to slash Planned Parenthood funding through Trumpcare.
Rauner’s actions today come after he put himself in a pickle. Three years ago, Rauner signed a questionnaire supporting the very goals of HB40 and his campaign aggressively played up his pro-choice positions. Then, this spring Rauner’s administration promised a veto of HB40 in order to build support among Illinois conservatives. Illinois voters might be wondering why he made conflicting promises in the first place.
The truth is Rauner has played the part of politician all summer. Last month he was caught fibbing about his grandfather’s place of birth to look pro-immigrant, then refused to take a side on President Trump’s decision to end DACA despite earlier supporting the DREAM Act. He sidestepped questions about President Trump’s health care overhaul despite the utter damage it would do to Illinois. On school funding, he pitted one part of the state against the other for political points. And with the state on the verge of junk bond status, Rauner vetoed the state’s first budget in two years then cynically called for his veto to be upheld despite having no plan to deal with the consequences.
Bruce Rauner’s looking out for himself, not the women of Illinois.
“Simply put, Bruce Rauner was caught trying to play both sides of the abortion debate for political gain,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Rauner put his own political gain over the health and welfare of Illinois women and families—again. Rauner’s public waffling throughout this episode shows that Illinois voters cannot trust Rauner to look out for their best interests.”
