Ralph Abraham and Eddie Rispone Must Denounce Lawsuit That Would Strip Louisianans Of Their Health Care

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Today, oral arguments begin in New Orleans for a lawsuit that could end protections for Louisianans with a pre-existing condition. Here are some of the ways this lawsuit could have disastrous results for Louisiana:

  • 445,800 Louisianans who have gained coverage through Medicaid expansion could become uninsured.
  • Insurance companies could refuse to cover 1.9 million Louisianans with a pre-existing condition.
  • 494,000 Louisianans could lose their health insurance, leading to a 147 percent increase in the uninsured rate.
  • Insurance companies would be able to impose lifetime limits on coverage for those insured through their employer or on the individual market.
  • Louisiana women can be charged more than men.
  • Louisianans over the age of 50 could face a $4,500 “age tax,” which would allow insurance companies to charge people over 50 more than young people.
  • Insurance companies would no longer be required to cover prescription drugs and maternity care.
  • Access to treatment for Louisianans with a substance use disorder would be in jeopardy.

Both Rep. Ralph Abraham and Eddie Rispone can’t be trusted to protect the care of Louisianans with a pre-existing condition. For one of the few votes he has shown up for, Abraham voted against condemning the lawsuit that could overturn the entire Affordable Care Act and gut coverage for 494,000 Louisianans. Rispone has said he doesn’t agree with Medicaid expansion, which covers 445,800 Louisianans.
“Ralph Abraham’s support of this reckless lawsuit shows Louisianans can’t trust him to protect the care of Louisianans with a pre-existing condition. Eddie Rispone’s silence proves he doesn’t have the backbone to protect them either,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “Louisianans don’t want to go back to the Bobby Jindal days, which lead to hospital closures and half a million Louisianans needlessly uninsured. Abraham and Rispone must explain why they refuse to condemn this lawsuit that could strip 500,000 Louisianans of their health care. The only thing we know for certain is that they are full-throated cheerleaders for bringing back Bobby Jindal’s failed policies.”