Radio Silent Richard Runs From Illinoisans (Again)

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Richard Irvin continues to hide from reporters and Illinoisans — this time, physically running away to avoid answering whether he would ban abortion in Illinois if elected.

Watch the video here.

Following reports that the U.S. Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade, Irvin is desperate to hide his extremist views.

“It’s been a consistent campaign move for Irvin for weeks,” Politico reported. “He’s not saying anything at all — not to competitors, reporters or even the public (unless you count his ads).”

In a February interview, Irvin said he’s “pro-life” but refused to answer whether he’d allow abortion in the case of rape, incest, or danger to the mother’s life, saying, “I think we’re done.”

The DGA recently released a video highlighting Irvin and the rest of the GOP field’s anti-abortion views.

“Radio Silent Richard is on the run because he can’t answer for his extreme, out-of-touch views on abortion,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Irvin can run, but he can’t hide from the Illinoisans who deserve answers.”
