RACE UPDATE: Elections Analyst Moves MN-GOV to Lean Dem

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Dem Bench is ‘Quite Strong’, GOP Recruiting Problem Persists

Today, elections analysts at the University of Virginia’s Sabato’s Crystal Ball changed their rating in Minnesota’s governor’s race from “Toss-up” to “Leans Democratic.” The combination of a strong slate of candidates, the state’s natural Democratic tilt, a set of popular Democratic officials currently elected statewide makes the race increasingly tipping in Democrats favor:
[Gov. Dayton] is not a drag on the eventual Democratic nominee. The state’s Democratic lean is also probably more pronounced than Clinton’s less-than-two-point win indicates, especially when one considers the convincing wins by Sen. Al Franken (D) and Dayton in 2014. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D) looks like she will have an easy path to reelection, perhaps providing some lift to the Democratic nominee. And at this point, and unlike several other Midwest states, the bench in Minnesota is quite strong, and several top-tier Democrats are running.
Meanwhile, Republicans are still having trouble recruiting a viable candidate. The National Journal recently chronicled the GOP’s weak bench in Minnesota, noting the Republican, “field of candidates pales in comparison to the DFL’s.”