Polling shows dead heat in Wisconsin recall

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Gov. Scott Walker (R) is not safe in next month’s recall election, Wisconsin Democrats say.
In a survey of 472 recall voters conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research from May 19 to 21, Walker leads Barrett 50 to 47 — within the poll’s four-point margin of error. Barrett leads with independents, 50 percent to 44 percent.
We Are Wisconsin spokesman Kelly Steele argued that the polls showing Walker in the lead oversampled Republicans and that the “pre-mortems” are premature. “[T]his race remains a dead heat, with Barrett solidifying and even building on his lead amongst Independents, and Democrats’ turnout operation in full gear as early voting and GOTV begin in earnest,” Steele said in a memo.
Read the full story here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/wisconsin-democrats-say-polling-shows-a-dead-heat/2012/05/22/gIQAWKediU_blog.html