Poll: Corbett Lags by 20 Points in Pa. Gov. Race

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Republican Governor Tom Corbett trails his Democratic challenger Tom Wolf by 20 points in a new Rasmussen Reports’ poll dealing with the Pennsylvania gubernatorial race.

A new statewide telephone survey of likely Pennsylvania voters shows Wolf with 51 percent of the vote to Corbett’s 31 percent. Four percent (4 percent) prefer some other candidate in the race, but 14 percent are still undecided at this point. 

Corbett, a former state attorney general who was elected governor in 2010 with 55 percent of the vote, now draws support from just 59 percent of Republicans in Pennsylvania. Wolf, a businessman, is backed by 83 percent of Pennsylvania Democrats and 25 percent of the state’s Republicans. The Democrat leads by 10 points among voters not affiliated with either major party.

In the state’s May 20 party primaries, Wolf defeated three other Democratic candidates with 58 percent of the vote, while Corbett ran unopposed

Just 36 percent of all Pennsylvania voters approve of the job Corbett is doing as governor. Fifty-nine percent (59 percent) disapprove. These findings include nine percent (9 percent) who strongly approve of his job performance and 36 percent who strongly disapprove.

Voters trust Wolf over Corbett on all four issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports. The Democrat holds a 46 percent to 30 percent edge in voter trust on government spending and a similar 47 percent to 30 percent lead on taxes. 

Wolf has even larger leads against Corbett when it comes to whom voters trust more to handle social issues (51 percent to 27 percent) and government ethics and corruption (46 percent to 26 percent). Still, more than 20 percent of voters are undecided as to which candidate they trust more on all four issues.

The survey of 750 likely voters in Pennsylvania was conducted on May 27-28, 2014 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 4 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence. 

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