Phil Scott’s Sabotage Of Working Vermonters’ Health Care
Last week, Vermont Gov. Phil Scott continued his war on affordable health care for Vermonters by saying he opposes increasing Medicaid funding for working families.
This isn’t the only way Scott has tried to burden Vermonters with higher health care costs. Older adults and children stand to lose if Scott’s wish list becomes reality.
Under Scott, older adults could see their costs rise through an “age rating” system he proposed. Older Vermonters are already having to wait in hospitals—some for over a year—to get into a nursing home. And Phil Scott would make it worse.
When he’s not proposing hiking health care costs, Scott was caught saying block granting Medicaid could be beneficial, which would gut coverage for Vermonters. Federal funding for children would be cut anywhere from 15 to 33 percent if Medicaid were turned into a block grant.
While Scott’s agenda leaves working Vermonters behind at every turn, millionaires are doing great under his watch.
“The wealthy and well-connected have found their champion in Phil Scott,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “If Phil Scott had his way, working people and seniors would pay more for their health care to give huge tax giveaways to the wealthy. Scott must explain why he opposes seniors and children having access to quality, affordable health care.”