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Pence’s Priorities: VP Dreams #1, Hoosier Workers #2

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Pence’s Priorities: VP Dreams #1, Hoosier Workers #2

Gregg launches new ad blasting Pence over Carrier departure 

Pence too busy pursuing VP job to meet with workers 

This week, Indiana gubernatorial candidate John Gregg launched a new ad criticizing Gov. Mike Pence’s response to Carrier’s decision to move 1,400 Indiana jobs to Mexico. 

In launching the ad, Gregg joined labor leaders for a press conference where he received the endorsement of the United Steelworkers Local 1999, which represents Carrier workers. 

Check out news coverage from this week’s ad launch and press conference: 

WTHR (Indianapolis): John Gregg attacks Pence over Carrier jobs

Watch video below:


“During a news conference at the United Steel Workers Local 1999 office, Gregg said, ‘these workers suffered because Governor Pence took his eye off the ball. It should have been on the economy and good-paying jobs…I’m somewhat appalled that instead of addressing this issue, he had time to fly out to play golf with Donald Trump in New Jersey, but he didn’t have time to meet with these workers.’

“USW Local 1999 President Chuck Jones said the only time union leaders talked to Pence was when they showed up at the governor’s office as Pence met with Carrier executives.  
“Jones said the governor never met with or reached out to employees.

‘“People say, ‘Well, what could the governor have done?’ Well, I don’t know what he could have done…but if he had the best interest of these people who were losing their jobs, which was 1,400, he sure as hell would have been out standing up saying ‘It’s a God-awful shame losing their livelihood through no fault of their own…and as governor, I’m going to do everything I can to keep these jobs in Indiana.’ It didn’t happen,’ Jones said.” [7/5/16]

WISH-TV (Indianapolis): John Gregg attack ad questions Pence response to Carrier closing 

“Democrat John Gregg is accusing GOP Governor Mike Pence of mishandling the Carrier Corporation’s decision to close an Indianapolis factory. 

“Gregg also received an endorsement Tuesday from Carrier workers in the race for governor.” [7/5/16] 

Fort Wayne Journal=Gazette: Gregg launches first ad to criticize Pence 

“The ad accuses Pence of being ‘asleep at the switch’ when thousands of Carrier and UTEC employees found out their jobs were being shipped to Mexico.” 

“USW Local 1999 President Chuck Jones said the only time union leaders talked to Pence was when they showed up at the governor’s office as Pence met with Carrier executives.”   [7/5/16

Fox 59 (Indianapolis): Gov. Pence continues campaigning for governor as speculation intensifies about Trump VP pick 

“‘I’m ready, willing and able to help Donald Trump anywhere he asks us to help him,’ Pence said Tuesday night when talking with reporters.” [7/5/16

CNN: The race to replace Mike Pence is already underway 

“Donald Trump hasn’t yet picked Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate — but already, Pence’s home-state Republicans are jockeying for his job.

“If Trump chooses Pence, it will set off an already-brewing battle in Indiana to replace the governor in what’s expected to be a nail-biter this fall against Democrat John Gregg.” [7/7/16

Indianapolis Star: Tully: Donald Trump’s new apprentice — Mike Pence? 

“Either way, his flirtation with the developer turned reality TV star turned politician is just the latest in a long series of actions that have made clear Pence’s inability or unwillingness to focus on and adjust to the role of governor.” 

“Pence has always seemed more passionate about national issues and social-issue debates than about the nuts-and-bolts job of being governor.” [7/5/16] 

Associated Press: Pence can’t run for Indiana governor if selected as Trump’s VP 

“Pence previously had presidential ambitions of his own, even though he ruled out a run last year after his approval rating slumped due over his handling of the state’s religious objections law.” [7/5/16]

Muncie Star Press: Ward: VP Pence would be bad for Indiana 

“Should Pence be Trump’s choice, the national media will focus on Pence’s first administration as governor. 

“It would be like ripping the scab off a healing wound. 

“Hoosiers will be forced to endure close scrutiny — again — of issues that we’ve grown weary of discussing.” [7/5/16

Times of Northwest Indiana: VP Pence could set Indiana GOP dominoes tumbling 

“Meanwhile, the Democratic nominee for Indiana governor, former House Speaker John Gregg, is busy campaigning on the issues he believes are important to Hoosiers — regardless of who his opponent is.” 

“‘This job is too important just to have as a stepping stone,’ Gregg said.” [7/6/16]