Pawlenty Made Millions Lobbying For Wall Street While Minnesotans Tried To Recover From The Recession

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Does He Really Think Minnesotans Are This Gullible?

Tim Pawlenty has spent the last 6 years making millions of dollars shilling for Wall Street so they could get sweetheart deals after the recession. In fact, he was the CEO of the Financial Services Roundtable. He fought to roll back regulations to prevent another financial meltdown, protections for homeowners, and tax credits that help working and middle class families.

If that wasn’t enough, he took the job after pretending to care about their malfeasance during his epic failure of a presidential campaign.

Yet, now that he is stepping down from his post at FSR, he believes the experience makes him uniquely qualified to help Minnesota’s working and middle class families.

Does he really think Minnesotans are that gullible?

“Tim Pawlenty left Minnesota for the swamps of D.C. to make millions of dollars while serving as Wall Street’s chief lobbyist,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “D.C. lobbyist Tim Pawlenty is wildly out-of-touch with the issues facing Minnesota residents. He already chose to leave the land of 10,000 lakes for the swamp of D.C.”