Paul LePage Proves He Hasn’t Changed

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Paul LePage has been desperate to convince the press and the public that he’s a changed man since his catastrophic former governorship, but in reality, he’s still pushing the same baseless lies.

A new report from the Bangor Daily News exposes LePage for reviving his unsubstantiated election conspiracy theories in a new push for voter ID laws.

At an event last week, LePage said voters were bused in from Massachusetts to vote on Maine’s same-sex marriage referendum more than a decade ago, an allegation the Secretary of State at the time called a “blatant lie.”

Despite trying to distance himself from his past failed leadership decisions, LePage’s false claims about voting are nothing new. While governor, LePage sent a press release before the 2016 election threatening to investigate college students for voting.

More recently, LePage said 20 percent of 2020 voters lacked valid identification, though Maine does not require photo identification to vote. The current Secretary of State slammed LePage’s claim as “malinformation.”

“Paul LePage will tell as many lies as it takes to justify his harmful platform and advance his own political agenda,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Try as he might to rebrand himself to the press and Mainers, LePage wants to drag Maine back to his old lies and harmful policies.”
