On a Losing Streak, Walker Backs Schuette in Michigan

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Governor Scott Walker, fresh off of a 0-2 record during his 2017 tenure as head of the RGA and a presidential primary defeat the year before, seems intent on continuing his losing streak by backing Bill Schuette for governor of Michigan.

Schuette is locked in a nasty primary race to the right with each candidate claiming the mantle of Trumpism as his own. And should he survive the primary, Schuette’s record of putting political cronies and special interests ahead of Michigan families is sure to go over poorly with the general electorate.

“Completely out of solutions for the Republican Party, Scott Walker has doubled down on his losing strategy by endorsing Michigan’s Bill Schuette,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “He’s failed on the national stage both as a Presidential candidate and chairman of the RGA, just like he’s sure to fail with his pick for Governor of Michigan.”

CNN previously highlighted his utter lack of answers for his own losing record:

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said Republican governors are now trying to answer those questions after Gillespie, whom he called “an exceptionally good candidate,” was so soundly defeated. “What is driving the turnout? Is it a specific issue? Is it a specific region? Is it a specific type of voter? What impact of Washington?” Walker said, without offering an answer.