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Not the Headlines The RGA Was Looking For: Absurd, Hypocritical Attack Falls Flat in SC

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South Carolina gubernatorial candidate Vincent Sheheen and Governor Chris Christie have the same position on Medicaid expansion: they think their state’s tax dollars should come home to expand health care access and to create jobs. In fact, seven other Republican governors share Sheheen and Christie’s view. But that did’t stop Christie’s RGA from launching an absurd, hypocritical attack against Sheheen this week on the issue. The result? Let’s just say it wasn’t pretty.
Here’s a sample of the coverage:
TPM: South Carolina Dem Calls BS On Christie For Medicaid Attack Ad
The Post and Courier: Sheheen fires back on Republican Governors Association ad
The Star Ledger: South Carolina Democrat slams Christie as hypocrite on Medicaid expansion
The Post and Courier: Sheheen hits back, Christie remix edition
Washington Post: RGA ad hits Democrat for backing Medicaid expansion … which RGA chair supports
The Huffington Post: Republican Governors Association Attacks Medicaid Expansion That Chair Chris Christie Supports
MSNBC:  Attack ads should aim for coherence
NBC News: SC Dem Accuses Christie of Hypocrisy
The State: Vincent Sheheen asks Chris Christie to pull RGA ads
VIDEO: MSNBC The Last Word: “One year ago in his annual budget address New Jersey Governor Chris Christie explained why he was willing to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act […] He is trying to be the first invisible chairman of the Republican Governors Association […]”
MSNBC: “In South Carolina, we’re effectively left with a situation in which the Republican Governors Association wants voters to oppose a Democrat for agreeing with the head of the Republican Governors Association […]”
The Star Ledger: “In a recent attack ad, the Christie-led RGA slammed Sheheen for advocating for the use of government dollars to expand Medicaid.  But the problem, according to Sheheen, is that last year, Christie, who is chairman of the RGA, actually made the decision to accept federal dollars for expansion […]”
The Huffington Post: “The group’s choice of attack is notable given that Christie chose to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, as did seven other Republican governors […] It is estimated that an expansion of Medicaid in South Carolina would have provided coverage to an additional 333,000 people living in the state.”
VIDEO: MSNBC NOW with Alex Wagner: “Last week the Governor declared he was proud of his decision to accept one of the pillars of the Affordable Care Act, expanding Medicaid coverage.  And Christie’s role as Chair of the RGA is putting a spotlight on that very decision.  Yesterday, the RGA released an ad attacking Vincent Sheheen, a Democratic candidate for governor in South Carolina, for wanting to expand Medicaid.  Sheheen quickly noted the hypocrisy, sending a letter to Governor Christie […]”