Not the Headlines He's Looking For: Cuccinelli Calls on Christie to Resign as RGA Chair

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Yesterday was supposed to be Chris Christie’s big day to reintroduce himself to a national audience following weeks of scandal. But instead of focusing on Christie’s second inaugural address, the media was preoccupied with Ken Cuccinelli, the 2013 Republican nominee for governor in Virginia, who called on Christie to resign as Chair of the Republican Governors Association.
Here’s a sample of the headlines:
Associated Press: Recent GOP candidate: Christie should leave RGA
USA Today: Cuccinelli says Christie should quit RGA
National Journal: Ken Cuccinelli Calls for Chris Christie to Resign RGA Chairmanship
Politico: Ken Cuccinelli: Chris Christie should quit RGA gig
Newark Star-Ledger: Chris Christie should resign as RGA chair, former Virginia attorney general says
The Huffington Post: Ken Cuccinelli: Chris Christie Should Step Down From RGA Post
CNN: Cuccinelli calls on Christie to ‘step aside’ as RGA chairman
NBC News: Cuccinelli: ‘Makes sense’ for Christie to bow out of RGA
The Hill: Cuccinelli: Christie should step down as RGA chairman
CBS News: Cuccinelli says Christie should leave RGA
Talking Points Memo: Cuccinelli: Christie Should Step Down As RGA Chair
The New Jersey Record: Former Virginia GOP candidate says Christie should step down from Republican governors post