Not the Coverage He Was Looking For: Billionaire Bruce Gets Slammed One Day After The Primary

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Billionaire Bruce woke up in one of his nine million-dollar homes this morning to coverage that looked nothing like he expected. Public polling showed Rauner would win last night by double digits, but actual primary voters decided that his anti-middle class record is not what Illinois needs.
Billionaire Bruce brags about being in the top .01 percent of Americans, and that’s exactly who his policies are designed to help. If elected, he’d slash the minimum wage, gut education and public safety, and cut taxes for the wealthiest so that his pals at the very top can profit if he we were elected. For those reasons, voters will reject him in November, just like a majority of the most hardcore Illinois Republicans did last night.
Here is a sample of coverage:
Capitol Fax: “Bruce Rauner – Yeah, he won, but he’s damaged goods.  Money can’t buy everything, as it turns out.  Rauner spent months attacking unions and they very nearly defeated him.  What once looked like an almost sure victory against Pat Quinn now looks like a fight to the death.  And his bad impression of Howard Dean’s victory speech last night didn’t help matters much.  Rauner absolutely must find a way to settle this war with the unions and abandon his love for Gov. Scott Walker.  Illinois ain’t Wisconsin, Bruce.  It never will be.  By choice.”
The Chicago Sun Times: “For months, Rauner treated his winning the Republican nomination for governor like a foregone conclusion, declaring he was the only Republican who could ‘shake up Springfield.’  But it was Rauner who got shaken up Tuesday night, eking out a narrow win over state Sen. Kirk Dillard in an outcome that was supposed to have been a blowout.”
The Chicago Tribune: “Quinn called working-class people ‘the real everyday heroes of our state’ and then ripped Rauner, contending the challenger’s wealth left him out of touch. […] ‘I may not have nine mansions. I have one house,’ Quinn said. ‘I’m not a billionaire. Never will be. I’m not part of the 1 percent and never will be there. I’m not even part of the 0.1 percent. But I’ll tell you this. As long as I’m governor I’m going to fight hard for the 99.9 percent.’”
The Chicago Sun Times: “For Rauner, the falloff from his big lead in the polls will raise questions about his strength going into the November election.”
The Chicago Tribune: “Rauner is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He has more houses than you can count on one hand. He’s a hunter, a fisherman, he rides a Harley and he drops his'”g’s’ in his public statements, something he probably didn’t learn at Dartmouth.”
Politico: “Billionaire businessman Bruce Rauner won a closer-than-expected Illinois Republican primary for governor Tuesday night […]”
NBC Chicago: “It was a closer race than expected for venture capitalist Bruce Rauner.”
The Chicago Sun Times: Rauner’s narrow lead leaves little margin for error in fall
The Chicago Sun Times: Quinn cruises to victory in Democratic primary
The Chicago Sun Times: Rauner expects ‘very, very tough’ race against Gov. Quinn
Chicago Business: Quinn launches TV blitz against Rauner
NBC Chicago: Quinn Runs First Ad Against GOP Nominee Rauner
Associated Press: Quinn’s first re-election ad on minimum wage airs
