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Not The Buzz He Wanted: Touted Sex Offender Clouds Walker’s Speech

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GOP Govs’ Awful Week Rolls On 
Last night’s State of the State address was supposed to be a major opportunity for Governor Scott Walker to  rewrite the history of his failed “reforms,” which have left Wisconsin’s middle class in the lurch. Instead, the national and state coverage has been dominated by the fact that he touted a convicted sex offender as the picture of job creation during his speech.
With RGA Chair Governor Christie facing a broadening federal investigation into his abuse of power and former RGA Chair Governor McDonnell facing a federal indictment, this major embarrassment for one of their so-called stars was the last thing Republican governors needed as their awful week rolls on.
Here’s a sample of the Walker coverage:
USA Today: “Wis. Gov. Walker hails sex offender in speech”
Washington Post: “Gov. Scott Walker hails man who turns out to be sex offender”
Associated Press: “Welder on stage with Walker a sex offender”
Talking Points Memo: “Scott Walker Praises Sex Offender In State Of The State Address”
UPI: “Wis gov’s praise of job hunter who was sex offender a mistake”
Newsmax: “Sex Offender Inadvertently Shares Stage with Wisc. Gov. Scott Walker”
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: “Welder lauded by Scott Walker in speech is sex offender”
Wisconsin State Journal: “Welder on stage at State of State with Scott Walker is registered sex offender”
Wisconsin Radio NetworkSex offender’s presence at State of the State frustrates Walker”
Green Bay Press Gazette“Walker irked that sex offender shared stage with him”
WTAQ-Green Bay“Ariens welder on stage during State of the State is registered sex offender”
@sbauerAP From the you’ve got to be kidding me file: the welder who shared the stage last night with @GovWalker is a registered sex offender
@AaronBlakeWP  Scott Walker hails a man … who turns out to be a sex offender
@NKingofDC  Vetting 101: Welder lauded by Gov. Scott Walker in state-of-state speech turns out to be a convicted sex offender: …
@frankthorpNBC Welder who WI Gov Scott Walker highlighted in his State of the State speech is a registered sex offender:…
@thegarance “Welder lauded by Scott Walker in speech is sex offender”…
@samsteinhp Get better vetters
@BuzzFeedAndrew Oh boy…
‏@markos Scott Walker’s poster boy for job creation is a sex offender and forger … GOP governors having GREAT week!