Not Even Charlie Baker’s RNC Money Could Put Roy Moore Over the Top in Alabama
Baker Raised Millions For RNC Which Backed Moore
Roy Moore wasn’t the only one who lost in Alabama last night.
Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker and his friends at the RNC saw their investment in the race go up in smoke.
As a reminder, Baker announced last week that he would continue fundraising with the RNC, despite the fact that they sent $170,000 to support Moore. Moore was accused of having improper sexual relationships young girls, and repeatedly voiced his offensive views.
Moore’s loss is bad for Baker on multiple fronts. The RNC squandered money that Baker helped raised, and now, despite his efforts to distance himself, Baker has to live with the consequences of supporting Moore’s unpalatable candidacy.
“Massachusetts voters will not forget that their governor helped contribute to Roy Moore’s embarrassment of a campaign,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Baker can try to distance himself all he wants, but the money tells the real story: Charlie Baker helped prop up an alleged child molester. He will live with the consequences of his decision as long as he remains in public life.”