NEWS ROUNDUP: RGA Attacks Backfire in Indiana, As Gregg Focuses on Jobs

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NEWS ROUNDUP: RGA Attacks Backfire in Indiana, As Gregg Focuses on Jobs

RGA pushes ‘exaggerated,’ ‘misleading,’ & ‘ridiculous’ attack ads

Gregg focuses on bringing high wage jobs to Indiana

The reviews are in on the Republican Governors Association’s negative ad campaign in Indiana, and all signs show that the RGA’s attack ads have backfired in the Hoosier state. 

Last week, the RGA launched attacks against John Gregg – Pence’s Democratic opponent – after Pence pulled down his own television ads. The move violated Pence’s decades long campaign promise to swear off negative campaigning, and resulted in attack ads that were deemed “exaggerated,” “misleading” and “ridiculous” by Indiana news organizations.

Check out what’s being said about the RGA attack ads in Indiana: 

Associated Press:“Many of the charges leveled in the ad by the Republican Governors Association are debatable, exaggerated or are presented out-of-context.” [6/10/16]

Indianapolis Business Journal“RGA’s attacks on Gregg’s fiscal record are pretty misleading.” [6/7/16]

Indianapolis Star Column“You might not know it from his (Gregg’s) feel-good TV ads, or if you are swayed by the ridiculous and somewhat desperate commercials Gov. Mike Pence’s Republican buddies out of D.C. have been airing.” [6/10/16]

Associated Press“After several failed bids for Congress in the 1980s, Pence penned an essay in the early 1990s titled ‘Confessions of a Negative Campaigner’ in which he swore off political attacks.

“For the most part he’s kept the pledge — until now.” [6/10/16]

And while the RGA pushes around the discredited ads, yesterday, John Gregg kept his focus on growing the economy by announcing a detailed plan to bring high quality jobs to the Hoosier state.

Here’s what news stories had to say about Gregg’s plan to grow Indiana’s economy: 

WISH-TV (Indianapolis)Gregg unveiled a 35-point plan to create more new jobs and in the process, said that Pence is out of step with the business community because of his social agenda.” [6/14/16]

Associated Press“John Gregg presented an economic development plan Monday that would make preschool optional for all Indiana 4-year-olds, pour money into growing small businesses and rebuild Indiana’s image to one that’s LGBT-friendly.” [6/14/16]

Evansville Courier Press“The first, main thrust of Gregg’s plan is to build up the Indiana workforce.” [6/14/16] 

Times of Northwest Indiana: “By helping employers create quality jobs, more money ultimately will flow into the state to support education, infrastructure, drug treatment and other needs, he said.” [6/14/16]

Indianapolis StarIn detailing his plan, Gregg renewed his pledge to push for a repeal of the religious objections law as governor.” [6/14/16] 
