NEW WEB AD: "Christie & Deal – Not Working For Us"

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To mark RGA Chair Chris Christie’s fundraising trip to Atlanta today, the Democratic Governors Association released a new web ad, “Not Working For Us,” highlighting how Christie and Georgia Governor Nathan Deal have failed to fulfill the most fundamental responsibility of their jobs – keeping the public safe. A poll released two weeks ago shows Deal in a tight race for reelection with State Senator Jason Carter.
“The administrations of Chris Christie and Nathan Deal put the people of their states at risk with a combination of abuse of power and gross incompetence,” said DGA Communications Director Danny Kanner. “But traffic clearly isn’t the only thing these two scandal-governors have in common – both find themselves under a cloud of investigations and serious questions about their ethics. Christie’s visit only reminds Georgia voters of their governor’s failed record.”
Watch the video here.
Due to the ongoing federal investigation into the George Washington Bridge scandal, Governor Chris Christie has been unable to be seen in public with the Republican governors he’s charged with reelecting.  That won’t stop him from campaigning with Deal, who’s best known for his unethical conduct, abandonment of education, and dangerously incompetent response to winter weather in the metro Atlanta area in January.
