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NEW VIDEO: Mark Robinson’s Disastrous Debates (That He Didn’t Even Attend)

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NEW VIDEO: Mark Robinson’s Disastrous Debates (That He Didn’t Even Attend)

NC-GOV GOP primary candidate: Robinson’s “outrageous and bigoted statements will make him a loser and unelectable.”

The DGA is releasing a new video today, highlighting some of the blistering criticisms that North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson’s opponents leveled against him in a pair of primary debates that Robinson skipped last week.



Robinson may have ducked last week’s debates, but his opponents did not hold back on the debate stage. Here’s what Robinson’s fellow Republicans say about his candidacy:

  • Health Care Executive Jesse Thomas: “A vote for Mr. Robinson might feel good because you think he might win the primary, but his outrageous and bigoted statements will make him a loser and unelectable.”
  • Former Congressman Mark Walker: “You probably shouldn’t be saying that women can’t lead in adverse situations. That’s probably a detriment when you’re trying to get the female vote.”
  • State Treasurer Dale Folwell: “[Robinson] “has been the most absent elected state official in my time in Raleigh. He has a track record of missing work on the taxpayer’s dime… I’ll say this as prayerfully as I can. I pray for him. And I pray for his donors because I think his donors are getting fleeced.”

Since launching his campaign, Robinson has faced scrutiny from across the political spectrum for both his record in office and for his extreme and dangerous rhetoric — including trafficking in QAnon conspiracy theories and “antisemitic diatribes,” attacking public school teachers, suggesting women can’t be leaders, and pushing to make sure women “can’t get an abortion in North Carolina for any reason” — all of which continues to give North Carolina Republicans good reason to “feel uneasy” about this critical battleground race.

“Mark Robinson skipped out on last week’s debates, but he continues to cast a long shadow over North Carolina’s GOP gubernatorial primary,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Izzi Levy. “Don’t just take it from us — in the midst of a messy and chaotic primary, even Republicans are going out of their way to warn that Robinson is too extreme for North Carolina.”
