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NEW VIDEO: Dan Cox’s Plan to Turn Maryland into MAGAland is Too Dangerous

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Today, the DGA is launching a new video called “MAGAland,” exposing GOP nominee for governor Dan Cox’s extreme agenda by using direct quotes from other top Maryland Republicans.

Watch the new video here

Specifically, the video calls out Cox’s radical agenda of banning abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest and making it easier for criminals to carry guns.

Cox also promoted the January 6th insurrection and fought to overturn the 2020 election. Even Republican Gov. Larry Hogan called him “a Q-Anon wackjob” and said: “He’s certainly not the kind of person I would vote to put in the legislature or support in any way.” 

This is just the latest way the DGA has been holding Cox accountable for his harmful MAGA agenda.

“Dan Cox is running for governor to turn Maryland into MAGAland,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “His radical agenda of banning abortion, making it easier for criminals to carry weapons, and undermining our democracy is dangerous for working families and completely out-of-touch with the issues Marylanders care about.”

See below for a full transcript of the video:

Narrator: Dan Cox wants to turn Maryland into MAGAland, but don’t take our word for it.

Larry Hogan: Dan Cox, the guy that we were hearing about yesterday, is a Q-Anon wackjob.

Kelly Schulz: A lying conspiracy theorist…

Hogan: Trump is supporting this crazy guy.

Narrator: Not only does Cox want to roll back abortion and make it easier for criminals to get weapons of war, he promoted the January 6th insurrection, called Mike Pence a traitor as a mob attacked the Capitol, and worked to overturn the 2020 election. 

No wonder Donald Trump is his biggest fan. 

News Anchor: Trump endorsed state Delegate Daniel Cox yesterday.

Narrator: Dan Cox is too extreme for Maryland.

Hogan: He’s certainly not the kind of person I would vote to put in the legislature or support in any way, for anything.
