NEW TV AD: Snyder's “Tough Choices” Only Work For The Wealthy
The Democratic Governors Association today released a new television ad illustrating how Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s policies only work for the wealthiest and well-connected. The spot, “Tough Choices,” highlights Snyder’s massive cuts to education, his tax on seniors’ retirement income, and massive raises he gave to officials in his administration.
“Governor Snyder’s ‘tough choices’ have only been tough on the middle class,” said DGA Communications Director Danny Kanner. “For three and a half long years, Snyder has pursued policies that punish seniors, students, and families, and that do nothing to build an economy that works for everyone. Michigan deserves better.”
Watch the ad here:
Last week, the DGA launched a new website,, which details how Snyder cut education funding by a billion dollars and provided tax breaks to companies even if they shipped jobs overseas.
“Tough Choices” is the fifth spot that the DGA has run in Michigan. The organization is investing significantly in the state.
Here’s the backup for the ad:
Video: Rick Snyder: “Tough Choices” Audio: Rick Snyder says he makes tough choices. |
Video: Rick Snyder Cut Over $1 Billion From Education Audio: Like cutting over a billion dollars from education. That’s tough on kids. |
Snyder Cut Over a $1 Billion from Education:
Video: Rick Snyder Raised Taxes on Retirement Audio: Rick Snyder raised taxes on retirement. That’s tough on seniors. |
Loss of Homestead Credit Would Lead to Hire Taxes for Seniors. “The loss of the homestead credit for an estimated quarter-million households means a net tax increase even for senior couples unaffected by application of the income tax to pensions. A couple in which the older partner was born in the years 1946 to 1952 (assumed to be age 66 in the example), and who receives $30,000 in pension income and $22,000 in Social Security would remain tax-free. With the loss of $430 in homestead credits, they would still see a loss in income.” [Grand Rapid Press, 7/13/11] Snyder Taxed Retirement Income. “Gov. Rick Snyder signed the biggest tax overhaul in Michigan in 17 years that finances the elimination of the Michigan business tax with a bundle of changes to the personal income tax. Overall, it amounts to a $220 million net cut in tax revenues to state coffers, but for Michigan businesses, including some 100,000 that no longer will have to pay the repealed Michigan Business Tax, it’s a $1.65 billion cut. The difference is being made up with $1.42 billion in additional income taxes, which includes applying the tax to pensions and other retirement income.” [Bridge Magazine, 5/25/11] |
Video: Rick Snyder Own Administration Officials Got Huge Pay Raises Audio: And Rick Snyder’s own administration officials got huge pay raises. That’s tou- [music stops]… Wait. That’s not a tough choice. |
“State’s top investment officials get giant pay raises.” The State of Michigan quietly increased the salaries of its top investment officials in the Treasury Department by more than 80% this year, saying it was too difficult to attract and keep qualified people under the former pay rates. Jon Braeutigam, the state’s chief investment officer, got a 90% pay raise to $333,000 a year from $175,000, department spokesman Terry Stanton confirmed Friday. [Detroit Free Press, 11/24/13] Salary Chart of Administration Officials. [Detroit News, 11/26/13] |
Video: Rick Snyder That’s Not A Tough Choice Audio: One employee got a ninety percent raise, and makes three hundred thirty thousand dollars a year! |
“State’s top investment officials get giant pay raises.” The State of Michigan quietly increased the salaries of its top investment officials in the Treasury Department by more than 80% this year, saying it was too difficult to attract and keep qualified people under the former pay rates. Jon Braeutigam, the state’s chief investment officer, got a 90% pay raise to $333,000 a year from $175,000, department spokesman Terry Stanton confirmed Friday. [Detroit Free Press, 11/24/13] Salary Chart of Administration Officials. [Detroit News, 11/26/13] |
Video: Rick Snyder Only Tough On The Middle Class Audio: Tell Rick Snyder … his “tough” choices are only tough on the middle class. |