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New Poll: Rauner Hits All-Time Low

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New Poll: Rauner Hits All-Time Low

A new Simon Institute poll shows things are getting worse for Governor Bruce Rauner‎ in Illinois, as he prepares to face voters in November 2018.

The poll, released today, says 58% of Illinois voters disapprove of the job he’s doing as governor, up from 50% at the same time last year. His approval rating is also at an all-time low.

The Simon Institute reports:

“‘We have tested Gov. Rauner’s job approval four times since he took office, and two findings jump out at us,’ said Charlie Leonard, a former visiting professor at the Institute, and one of the designers of the poll. ‘First is that the governor’s approval rating, since Spring of 2015, right after he assumed office, has remained relatively steady in the high 30s to low 40s, though at 36 percent it’s the lowest we have seen. Second is that his disapproval rating has grown consistently, from 31 disapproving in March 2015 to 58 percent today—almost doubling.

“Statewide, Rauner’s results show 36 percent somewhat approve or strongly approve of his performance, while 58 percent somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove. That compares with a 40 percent approval rating and 55-percent disapproval rating last October.”

